Tuesday, June 2

Weight Loss Rules from Fit and Wit Master Trainer Djoe Mitri

When I first started as a fitness coach, I only had one or two clients. But with hard work, continued education and much experience to support the knowledge, my name got out there quickly and by now I have already worked with hundreds of clients and helped them reach their weight-loss goals. 

One example, Rimal, 26, mother of a girl, lost more than 20 pounds but most importantly "We built foundation together, and now I'm stronger, leaner, more determined to live healthy and keep the lifestyle."

Another example, Faraj Aoun, Film Director, in just 2 months his whole body transformed and not only lost plenty of weight, but is now muscular and very lean with six-packs on the horizon.

With my clients, I get hard at work not just making them lose fat, but to build a strong foundation, and help them overcome muscle imbalances.

We exercise very efficiently, foam-roll, and use a wide variety of equipment including kettle bells and free weights.

While I can help you reach your goals, I strive to inspire you to realise goals you never imagined before! Like the immense energy you will have, like the power. Heck, I have many clients that come to lose a few pounds and end up seeing their whole body transforming and they stand in awe, in disbelief at the sight!

Because in Beirut most 'coaches' you see in commercial gyms do not even come close to portraying the real image a coach should be. A coach does not toss weights around and count (any kid at elementary school can do that). A coach is there to inspire but most importantly to hold you ACCOUNTABLE! which is why I work with my clients around the clock to make them adhere to a proper diet plan and a healthy lifestyle and work for SUSTAINABLE results.

Djoe's Five Rules for Weight Control:

1. Stay Positive! I listen to my clients, learn about their weaknesses, what they like and what discourages them and we build a foundation together.

2. CARDIO?? No thank you. I implement an appropriate strength-building routine and some high-intensity interval training because that WORKS and that will yield better results in LESS TIME. I will not make you do hours of cardio, but only short, challenging fun ones that work!

3. Awareness to Eating! Yes, I ask my clients to keep a food diary and ask them to share it with me so that I analyse it and help them best. Research shows this SIGNIFICANTLY improves weight loss.

4- Change to Just One Thing: No, I will not frighten you by turning your life around. I understand we are human. I will help introduce small changes to your lifestyle little over little but that will make BIG DIFFERENCE. For example: drinking alcohol less often during the week. 

Coach and Fitness Trainer, founder of Fit and Wit, Djoe Mitri