Wednesday, September 3

How to Prepare Creamy Ice Cream With Just 1 Ingredient?

A true indulgence in all its glorious creaminess powered by me. And it's made of only 1 ingredient: Just Banana!

It's so simple to make that even if you can't do your bed in the morning you can still easily prepare this one!

So, what if I told you that all that glorious creaminess can be prepared in about 1 minute, the texture would be amazing, the flavor quite exquisite and WITHOUT needing to add any artificial flavoring, sugar, sweeteners, or other ingredients?

Yes, all the magic lies in the BANANA.


1- Take a large ripe banana, peel it and cut it into small coins and place in the freezer for 24 hours.

2- Take out, and using a food processor blend it well. Keep blending it until it gets real creamy.

3- Place into a plate, and eat immediately!

An awesome idea?

Mint Chip Ice Cream:

How about blending it with a few drops of peppermint oil and some dark chocolate chips?

Chocolate Coconut Ice Cream:

How about adding a tbsp of unsweetened cocoa powder, and some unsweetened coconut flakes while in the blending process?

Peanut Butter Raisin Ice Cream:

How about adding a tbsp of peanut butter in the blending process and then throwing in a few raisins at the end?

Get Creative and share your ideas!

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