Sunday, October 13

2 Tricks For a Shockingly Healthy Pizza When You're Eating Out in Lebanon

A juicy pizza without the guilt

Eating healthy and eating at a restaurant are regarded to be two activities that rarely have anything in common. In fact, people who enjoy frequent meals at restaurants are considered to be leading an unhealthy lifestyle. But with a little knowledge and diligence, you can turn a restaurant meal from fattening junk food to a nutritious healthy choice.

So whether we go there by our own will or dragged by friends or family, there's always a way to feed the body and enjoy friendship without putting on a few pounds.

Since everyone loves Pizza, today I will share with you how I turned the beef pizza at Zaatar w Zeit from a death threat to a healthy option. 

Trick # 1:

Ask your waiter to replace your regular dough with a multi-cereal one. Not only will the pizza retain its yummy crunchiness, but also your blood insulin level will not be spiked. Which means your body is less likely to store those complex carbs as fat. They will instead provide you with a long lasting energy, make you feel full quicker and for a longer period of time. Did I mention how the fiber content will also contribute to better health and lower the risk of diabetes and even heart disease?

Whole-grains should be a staple in any person's diet

Trick # 2:

Mozzarella and cheddar cheese used are very calorie dense and high in fats your body can do without. Ask your waiter to put half or even quarter as much cheese in your pizza and up the steak two times. (Zwz would gladly do it free of charge. Unless my article goes viral... Haha) the extra protein has loads of benefits in health, body composition and it will also make you less hungry and cause thermogenic effect which means the body will even burn some calories just digesting the protein. 

Cheese is very calorie-dense. Consume in strict moderation.

Zaatar w Zeit, or any other restaurant would be glad to offer you a good experience. That's why the waiters are trained and they know the menu by heart. Don't be shy to ask them questions. After all, they're selling you a product and you're buying it, which makes you the client, so you might as well make sure you're getting something you want and know what you're putting into your body. 

If I rocked your world or you just like the article, share it with a friend and spread the love. Also don't forget to like the article and leave a comment below and let me know of your experiences :) 

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