Tuesday, October 22

5 Reasons Why These Indulgent Pancakes Are Good Breakfast Option For You (Recipe Included)

Who needs Nutella when one can relish in my very own Healthy Hershey's Dark Chocolate Protein Pancakes every morning? That's what I usually have for breakfast. 

Why is this a perfect nutrient-dense powerhouse?

1- It contains egg-whites which are a very high quality source of protein necessary for muscle, bone and brain function and development

2- It has a couple of egg yolks which are loaded with vitamins, minerals, and the good saturated fat which, according to proved research will help reduce bad cholesterol levels. Also, I am a huge advocate of consuming yolks because they help maintain healthy testosterone levels and natural growth hormones which in turn will promote better muscle growth. Research shows that those who consumed three yolks a day built twice as much muscle mass than those who didn't.

3- I use Stevia to make the pancakes sweeter which is a natural calorie-free sweetener not harmful to health

4-I use whole wheat floor as well as whole oats in this recipe which provide a low glycemic index source of energy. This means that the energy you get from these pancakes is more likely to be utilised for several hours to provide steady energy, rather than be stored as fat.

5- The dark chocolate chips used are lower in calories than the regular ones. and these consumed moderately will provide the body with many power antioxidants. 

Update 1:

Many people have been asking me for the recipe. My pleasure to share it with all of my readers. so, here it is. enjoy :)

Ingredients (makes 14 pancakes. size exactly like the ones in the video):
  • 6 eggs - 3 whole eggs, and 3 egg whites (How to separate egg whites)
  • A few tbsps of oats and whole wheat flour. Quantity depends on how soft/hard you want your pancakes.
  • An apple or a banana. This will add a smooth consistency to the batter.
  • 50ml of non fat milk works for me. the more you add, the softer your batter.
  • 3 tbsps of stevia natural sweetener (or any other sweetener of your choice)
  • A few drops of vanilla extract
  • cinnamon 
  • a pinch of salt
  • dark or semi-sweet chocolate chips (optional)
  • Lite Hershey's chocolate syrup
Directions - The easy part!
  • Blend all the ingredients (Except the chocolate chips) and pour into a hot pan greased with PAM non-stick cooking spray just like in the video. flip those babies, do more until your batter is no more :D
et voila!! You may choose to add a bit of Hershey's chocolate syrup atop the pancakes to give them a chocolate creamy yumminess.

If I rocked your world or you just like the article, share it with a friend and spread the love. Also don't forget to like the article and leave a comment below and let me know how the recipe worked for you :) 

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