Saturday, October 18

Healthy Low-Calorie Chocolate Banana Ice-Cream

Following our popular post: How to Prepare Creamy Ice-Cream with Just One Ingredient?, we bring you a mind-blowing very delicious guilt-free 100-calorie snack: 

The Dark Chocolate Banana Nice-Cream.

Since most of us in the modern world lead quite some busy lives, we barely find ourselves with enough time to spend cooking in the kitchen, that's why at Fit and Wit we're always scratching our creative senses to bring you simple and easy recipes that can be prepared in no-time. We hope you'll love it and share it with your friends, family and loved ones.

Easy Directions:

We dip half a banana with a stick at one end in melted dark chocolate* (70%) then pop it in the freezer for a few hours before consuming.

Tip: As this Ice-Cream contains no sweetener whatsoever, it is preferable to use a sweet banana for a more delicious taste!

Let us know how good it turns out and we'd love to see your pictures and ideas. 

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